This was taken in Camden quite a while ago but I thought it would be relevant to my idea. I've been thinking about how i'm going to get hold of my subjects and i realise this could be quite difficult. If the response from my workplace is bad then i will probably end up in London asking people for their portraits...or it could give me an opportunity for some interesting self portraiture....
Cool picture who took it?.. Looks a bit like you in the middle haha..
Where would you photograph the pub people?
Street portraits of punks sounds really cool. And in fact maybe you could turn it into an documentation of groups of 2008 (mods/rockers indie/goth)
There's a great book in the library called Identity. Stand facing library entrance with union on your right and the book is top shelf and furthest to the right. (or just type it in the computers lol)
It's full of all sorts of characters and stereotypes you could imagine.
I took it about a year ago I think.
I'm not sure, a studio would be ideal but obviously i would need them to give up their own free time to do it so it could be a little impractical for them. That's a good idea about street portraits, it would save me having to get them into the studio etc. Also catching them in their own space would be more realistic....sounds a bit like wildlife photography haha!
I'll have a look at that book. Thanks!!
Dude I really don't want to be jarring or sound like a cunt but I beg to differ with Mr Little. Theres like a million photos of Camden and Punks and funny looking peeps all over the the streets. I feel that, due to the sheer number of them about, the whole theme is un- remarkable and cliched, unlike your first post of the carpet which is PHat. I guess this is a question that could be asked of any of us but: If you are going to do it how will you put your own stamp on the genre? Sorry if Im being a dick, Im in a similar position with what I want to do. Take it easy d
PS feel free to tare me apart blogwise
I've sort of moved away from the whole 'people who are different' theme because my ideas about looking into tattoo culture interest me more.
Although there's an element of cliche I'd rather look at something that interests me rather than something I'm just doing to impress people. I don't see how I can't be creative whilst investigating a theme that may of been done before, I just have to make it my own.
Also I'm unsure if i can make a 7 week project on photographing carpets!
And no worrys, any criticism is welcome and gives me a chance to explain my ideas further.
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