Tuesday, 20 May 2008


Not posting much because I don't have much to say.
The project has come to a bit of a stand still, I'm trying my best to get a bit of inspiration and trying to get subjects but it's proving difficult.
I think I have enough back up work but I want one more set of pictures for the stuff I'm going to display at the crit. I have two people in mind but getting hold of them is not as easy as I thought it would be.

Just over a week left - now is the time I have to really push forward with this. If everything goes to pot before deadline day then I think I will have to rely on the 'Star Wars man' pictures but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.

I'm going to keep with digital, just because the images will be quicker to process (even though I had ideas about using medium format). I don't think I can afford for anything to go wrong so late on!


Uisdean Mòr said...

Ok - still time - have some pics ready for tomorrow


Jase said...

Hi..pictures looked good today.. deep blacks. Maybe try a filter in photoshop though.. the man's skin looked a little yellow because of the flourescent lighting.

Good luck getting the model you want..